Step into the mesmerizing world of "It's About Time" wooden jigsaw puzzle, where clocks adorned with Roman Numerals and zodiac signs come to life. Witness a whimsical scene with a rooster and owl perched on moving hour hands while a burning candle and glowing light bulb create enchanting shadows on a vibrant backdrop. Below, pendulums sway gracefully alongside cascading sand from an hourglass, inviting you to lose yourself in a timeless moment of artistry.
Crafted in our Vermont workshop, each wooden jigsaw puzzle is meticulously hand-cut by a highly skilled Stave artisan to be a luxury, heirloom-quality puzzle. No computers or lasers. They are often crafted with an irregular edge that will vary depending on the puzzle's size.
You can personalize your puzzle by requesting names, initials, and dates crafted into it and we can fill the puzzle with charming, clever, and elegant whimsy-shaped pieces. Silhouette shapes can include logos, people in action, a specific car model, or animal breed. If you prefer, you can leave it to the artisan to choose the shapes and surprise you! You'll also discover special cutting features within the puzzle designed to surprise, confound, and delight you!
Learn more about personalization and silhouettes by clicking here.