If you had stopped by the Stave Puzzle shop a couple of weeks ago, you would have been met with the sweet aroma of perfectly ripe peaches. Pete and Gail of Newnan, GA., arranged for the delivery of these amazing fruits, and they smelled so good it was like being right in the middle of the orchard! Thankfully, we took the photo on the cover before we dove into the yumminess. Otherwise, you would have seen some messy faces!

Cajan Food
What it means everywhere else: A spicy style of food that you have very rarely. What it means in Baton Rouge: Your main source of sustenance; especially great when fried: crawfish, shrimp, catfish, jambalaya, stuffed peppers, and frog legs. Well, we aren’t going to be eating frog legs any time soon, but we will be having some Creole Jambalaya, among other things. Evelyn and Helen, our pals from Baton Rouge, sent us the most amazing box of spices, rubs, and mixes so we can enjoy a taste of the south. We’ll be organizing a potluck lunch soon!
Welcome to Our Stave Picnic! (Do we ever stop eating?!)
We had our annual employee picnic a couple of weeks ago and had a great time! In addition to enjoying delicious food and playing fun games, we celebrated a few milestone anniversaries. Bri, from our Graphics and Marketing Team, celebrated her 10-year anniversary with Stave Puzzles. Channa, our top-notch Take-apart and Shipping person, celebrated her 15-year anniversary. And I celebrated my 35th year at Stave Puzzles. (35 years?? Where has the time gone?!) A fun time was had by all and we look forward to next year’s picnic and more special anniversaries.
Now on to what I really want to talk about... I’M a GRAMMA!!!
Meet Eloise, my beautiful granddaughter. Ellie was born on July 11th, at a whopping 3 lbs 13 oz, and she is absolutely fabulous! Our little Ellie spent a week in the ICN while she worked on getting her weight up a bit, but she’s home with mom and dad now and everyone is blissfully happy. Here’s a photo of me holding Ellie just a few hours after she was born.
Written by Jennifer
Jennifer runs the company with Paula and is proud to keep Steve's legacy of puzzle torment alive. Jennifer has been with Stave since 1987, making her Stave's most seasoned crafter! She told Steve many, many years ago that she didn't want his job, but today she is rocking it! Jennifer is a tried-and-true puzzlenut. Jennifer enjoys crosswords, sudoku, and word puzzles in addition to the Stave puzzles she has crafted for her family. She also enjoys a good mystery book like Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. Have you read them? Jennifer also loves a good concert; she hopes to see Gladys Knight, Smokey Robinson, Adele, and Bruno Mars someday!