It really is. Seriously, you gotta do it now. No procrastinating. No waiting for a quiet afternoon. No twiddling your thumbs and no dilly-dallying. If you want to make someone’s holiday really, really special, then you must choose their puzzles now. Not on December 1st, not the day after Thanksgiving and maybe not even on Halloween. If you wait until then, you may not have their puzzles in hand to place under the tree. You may have to wait for delivery in January. Yikes!
We’re busy. Not just busy, we’re super-busy. You may be thinking I’m just saying this to get your orders rolling in, but it’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! I’m not sure why we’ve been busier than normal- no big advertising campaign, no big PR break. Plain and simple, it’s because of you, our amazing and loyal fans, who are enjoying their love of puzzles and keeping us busy.
Christmas Wreath, Erin Dertner Hip Holidays, Tina Close
Our crafters are just now finishing up orders that were placed in July and we have all of August’s orders to craft this month, too. Anything you order now most likely won’t be completed until October. The puzzles you order in October will flow into November and... well, you get where I’m going with this. So please take me seriously and get your “Naughty or Nice” list wrapped up. Help us to help you make your special someone’s wishes come true. They’ll love you for it and we will, too! That’s enough from me. I’ve gotta get back to my saw!
P.S.- Don’t forget, we’ve been known to reach our Holiday cutting capacity by Thanksgiving and I’m predicting it’s going to be even earlier this year.
Christmas Story Collection, Alison Lee
In Good Company, Dona Gelsinger
Brotherly Love Times Two, Paul Landry