It’s officially summer and it’s been a wet one here in Vermont. We had a rainstorm on the July 4th weekend that did some serious damage to area roads. We had so much rain so fast it caused roads and culverts to totally wash out. In fact, our area was one of the hardest hit. FEMA has been doing damage assessment and the road crews have been diligently working on the repairs.
My husband, Rick, and I went outside to check on our property between the showers. Our driveway held up well but the stream running through our yard was flowing faster than we’ve ever seen it spreading over much of the lawn. The culverts were backed up with sticks and leaves so after Rick cleaned them out it was more contained. We have a silly black lab named Duke and he thought we’d put in his own personal swimming hole so he made the best of it while it was there!
Rainy days like that remind me of how relaxing puzzling can be. I couldn’t work out in the yard, I didn’t want to be driving in it, so why not tackle the laundry and work on a puzzle?! The soothing sound of the rain on the roof and the relaxation of fitting each puzzle piece got me thinking about all of the ways puzzles come up in our everyday lives. Maybe not puzzling in the sense of jigsaw puzzles but it all comes around to pretty much the same thing. On the back, you’ll find some neat quotes about life and puzzling that I like.
I hope you’re all having a great summer.
Thanks for being a piece of my life’s puzzle!